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Reiki & diseases

In simple terms, you can say that with the help of Reiki you create a healthy core in a temporarily ill body. Can you be sick and healthy at the same time? - Yes actually. You can feel healthy inside and then more easily cope with an illness, and get a higher quality of life. Being sick requires a lot of energy so you can never get too much of it.


A disease is not only found in one place in the body, but you can liken it to an octopus, a kind one of course, with tentacles a bit everywhere. If you start with Reiki treatments, you deal with the tentacle that is most needed and work your way through it all to finally, if you have the strength and power, go for the larger body of the octopus.


Healing treatments are a way to achieve well-being and you can actually heal your body, I had reason to try that when I myself became ill. I chose to go the way of healing treatments instead of the way that health care showed.


What I do is health care because then you must never have any other goal in mind than to get well. The road there is not always fun sometimes it is steep slopes but if you have decided to go up the hill you do it too and you actually get the help you need along the way. Reiki is a valuable action plan that you can teach and also give as treatments and Reiki guides those who have actually decided to get well. Now I know what it means with pain, illness, depression, hopelessness, fear but I also know that it is possible to get out and it is the most valuable experience I have had during this time.


This is my personal experience of diseases and Reiki.


If you want to know more - call or email us.

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