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Your inner map

We seldom become aware that we have an inner map at all, this inner map governs how we feel and how life develops.

Unresolved conflicts. Situations that sort of stand and stomp without getting anywhere. Things that are never completely finished. These are examples of things / situations that most people carry with them every day without even thinking about it. Depending on life experience and different ability to live in the present rather than in the past, the baggage is different for each of us. This takes energy, ie it costs energy to carry this luggage and we need the energy better to live. If you start by creating an inner map, do a mapping, you will soon see what it is that blocks your energies.


Did you even know you had an inner map? The truly responsible attitude is when you realize that all the problems in your life are due to your own emotional wounds. Why should we do this job? Most unpleasant situations that arise in life can be traced back to our mistakes: we quarrel with our partner, we have problems at work, we disagree with our friends, etc. Understanding the basic emotional wounds is the only way to get rid of the problems for good. It can be said that the subconscious with all its many unprocessed impressions and events is the reason why we do not act optimally and get the success of our lives that we should have.


We have an internal map that can be of good or bad quality with all our faults and grievances. We seldom become aware that we have an inner map at all, we only perceive ourselves as lucky or unlucky. People who live the good life are in fact people who work hard with their inner map and have been able to realize when the turn has come and understood to seize the opportunity and take full advantage of it.


People with bad maps are also lucky sometimes but do not understand when the great opportunities open up. When you get the chance to become wiser you do not take it, when you face death you close your eyes, when you become unemployed and get the only thing we can never get enough of, namely time, you curse your life and let time and opportunity go out of your hands .

A person with a bad inner map will always interpret his or her situation as a victim of the evil forces of the outer world. A person with a good inner map interprets the same negative experiences as challenges, which offer good opportunities to become wiser about themselves and the world and thus correct the personal mistakes that are the cause of the problems. When you realize the enormous importance of the quality of the map for the quality of life, it becomes quite obvious why you have to work with your inner map.

What do you do then?

Look around at what is blocking you the most right now, what is taking your energy right now? What does your map look like? How is it at work, with your health, how do you feel? Write down what you see and think a little about where your energy is. If everything is chaos, which we do not hope to understand, then there may be a larger part of your life that is not working right now.


You are a soul on a human journey that has incarnated on Mother Earth to teach us lessons. There are no mistakes, all homework will be repeated until they are learned

How we learn is entirely up to us and is completely controlled by ourselves.

We create our own thoughts and beliefs and they in turn create our emotions, which are positive negative or neutral. Negative emotions lower our vibrations, and they are destructive to every part of our being. Negative emotions that remain for a long time create disease in the physical body.


Fear is our only enemy

The day man brought fear into his life, he also took in a piece of hell. Fear is our only enemy. The only obstacle to success is the fear of failure. But this insight does not come by itself but through conscious thinking power. Power to control their fear. It is easier to keep fears because it requires no force, than to actively destroy them.

Are you interested in effectively removing your fears? Book a shamanic healing treatment here .   Fear creates internal stress, feel free to read more about what stress does to damage your physical body here. Man stubbornly clings to his fears, his diseases, his doubts and his condemnation of other people. Why?


We are afraid of what will come instead, maybe comfortable. But one must dare to believe that there is nothing to be afraid of. It's time to take off our blinders and see life as it really is and can be. Create your own future through a Course in Miracles .


What does this fear consist of?

It is all the accumulated experiences we have had when our pride took a turn for the worse, when a friendship ended, when we lost face, were hunted by loneliness, a grief, death or a lost security. All emotions can actually be grouped under two sections: love and fear. And fear is always stronger until we have become aware of how it governs our lives, and greatly limits it. Only then can we eliminate it. This can be done effectively with shamanic healing), a method that in short means that you breathe away the fear.


Of course, everyone has to live their life the way they want, but do YOU ​​refrain from living due to fear until it is almost too late? To dare is to lose your footing for a little while. To not dare is to lose oneself. Start living now. Treat yourself to participate in life and book a treatment for your blockages Shamanic healing

If you are completely satisfied with your life and what is around you, then you can calmly sit back and enjoy life .

If you ever encounter obstacles in the path of life, it may be wonderful to know that there is an action plan and you will move on.

You can also already learn Reiki, a method that everyone can learn and that does not require any prior knowledge. Read more about Reiki here or book a Course in Miracles , to take command now and create what you want.


Emotions are also something that can block life, examples of such emotions are:

  • Hopelessness

  • Worthlessness

  • Impotence

  • Fear

  • Hatred

  • Depression

  • Debt

  • Shame

  • Humiliation

  • Rejection

  • Betrayal


All emotions that are not balanced create internal stress, read more about what stress does to your physical body Stress

An emotion is an emotion and not YOU.

Comes a feeling - practice receiving it, looking at it and then letting go

I experience a feeling but I am not the feeling. I am the one who feels the feeling and if it blocks you, you can through a Shamanic healing change it so that it becomes in balance.

Imagine that you are a tree, the roots go deep into the earth and the emotions are the wind that blows in the treetops, sometimes it is a storm but the tree remains. Storms never last forever and neither do emotions.


To make it easier to create your life the way you want it, you can sign up for the Miracle Course .


We are here in our physical state to learn and to mature. We learn traits and qualities such as love, non-violence, compassion, mercy, faith, hope, forgiveness, understanding and awareness.

We learn mainly through relationships. Through the joy and pain that come with being with other people, we make our progress. Relationships are wonderful but laborious opportunities for us to learn something.


We can learn more when there are many obstacles in our way than when there are no obstacles at all. A life with difficult relationships, filled with obstacles and losses, offers the most opportunities for the soul to mature. You may have chosen the harder life to accelerate your spiritual growth. A bad relationship creates internal stress, read more about what internal stress provides for physical reactions. But there is also a lot to do when there are problems in relationships. A so-called karma cleansing can be done either with an EBT treatment or shamanic healing.

Examples of such karma that can darken relationships are:

  • Constant quarrels

  • Mental abuse

  • Betrayed by partner

  • Infidelity

  • You feel controlled / trapped in the relationship

  • Someone excessively addicted

  • Lack of attention

  • These are examples, there may be other things that also affect and understand relationships, such is, among other things, financial problems in the relationship.

Think of:

  • Every event and every person in your life is there because you brought them there.

  • You choose what you want to make of it.

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